
Back in the day, anxiety was there to keep us safe.

Have you heard of “flight or fight?”

It’s the physiological response we get when placed in a situation where our survival depends on a reaction.

It was great when we were cave people and had creatures much bigger than us trying to make us a meal.

Nowadays, anxiety is kind of annoying.

It can get out of hand and make us feel a little bit weird.

Symptoms of anxiety can be simple like sweaty palms, faster pulse rates, tongues that seem to stop working when we’re trying to sound intelligent…

I think we’ve all experienced some of these simple signs.

Sometimes, anxiety can become more overwhelming and upsetting.

It can make us freeze up.

Anxiety can also make us sick to our stomachs or feel like we’re losing our minds.

“Am I having a heart attack?”

“Other people must think I’m crazy!”

Therapy can help alleviate some of that pain.

In sessions, you’ll learn how to identify the negative things you think about that make anxiety grow and worsen.

I’ll help you become more aware of the negative thoughts you have about yourself. You’ll feel what’s going on inside your body in order to calm it down and gain resources that help cope with the anxiety to keep it at bay.

Reprocess some of the memories that trigger anxious responses, and reprogram your thoughts to be more resilient, jump to fewer conclusions, see the bigger pictures, and stop ‘shoulding’ on yourself.

Unless someone or something is actually chasing you, it’s time let go of the thoughts that scare you.
Give your mind and body some peace. Call me at (954) 263-4517.